Welcome to JFTime, home of the official JFT blog. Members of the world famous JFT take some time to share their thoughts on politics, economics, and world disaster funds like the "Buy Tim a Razor Foundation."
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Hey guys, I saw this video and it got my all misty eyed. First off, the editing of the video is amazing. Well done by the creator, but that is not what this post is about. This video got me thinking about all the great times we had at the opening of JFT. I remember hour long Capture the Flag games on Blood Gulch, going camping with Jun on Sidewinder, every being pissed off at John for being the only guy there that was actually good at the game, and the list goes on. Everyone yelling at a certain someone for camping in that little hole in the ground in the teleporter level; that same someone comparing chicken sandwichs with pizza! Making up crazy rules, like everyone having to saw explosion before firing their rockets or having to crouch on every freshly killed body. My personal favorite memory; Dan swearing his head off in front of my Dad, “BOYS”! Classic
Then the college days when Dan and I actually started playing the game on a regular basis. We brought Lee into the fold and the real fun began. Highlights include: Lee’s random noises, John’s screen peaking, Dan’s sticks, and my all around awesomeness.
Anyways, all this is my way of saying, “Thanks for the good times guys.” Cheers!
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