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Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Lump of coal: Watchmen maybe delayed??

Well here's some shitty Christmas news: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/25/business/media/25fox.html?_r=2

Apparently the rights to the Watchmen movie were just awarded to Fox (the movie is being made by WB). I knew there was a some issue regarding whether Fox actually owned the rights to a movie version of The Watchmen, but I never really gave it much thought.

Basically this means that WB can do whatever they want with the movie. Seeing that there is a ton of hype for the movie, I really see no reason why they wouldn't want to go forward with the release as planned. From what I hear, they had a pretty crappy year of new releases (as far as revenue is concerned), and this would be a good way to help balance the books. What I'm more worried about is whether or not the negotiations between WB and Fox regarding how to split profits, among other things, will push the release date back. I am hopeful that they will get a deal done quickly and the movie will be released as planned. I've already seen some people say that a delay is quite possible though.

I guess we'll just have to wait and see....

In other news, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!


  1. First Harry Potter, now this? March is already too far away... Nooo!

  2. Thanks for including the comic dan. The news is terrible and ruined my night... then i kept going down that page and the day was bright again! haha, but seriously. I hope they don't blow this. I'm really excited for this movie.



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