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Monday, December 29, 2008

Ran across this awesome deal on an HDMI cable. Does what it needs to, dirt cheap, and right now has free shipping from newegg. Discount deals for purchasing more than 1 (I got two). In case anyone needs to get an extra one of these from after the holidays, or recent guinea pig attacks, etc. here is a good deal for you!


  1. Nice. One thing that pisses me off to no end is people spending hundreds of dollars on those fucking monster cables that do absolutely nothing extra. This is all you need.

  2. Yeah, there were some a few dollars cheaper on newegg, but this was the cheapest after shipping since it was free.

    You can click on the image to see the deal, for those still shopping.

  3. I've got one HDMI cable just sitting around my home cause I don't have anything to plug it in to! it came with my tv and i don't have anything to use it with since i've got the old xbox! LAME! haha



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