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Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Trying some zazz

I was just messin and added our bungie cards to the bottom of the page. scroll down to check them out and let me know what you think.


  1. My gamertag has 2 L's. I can't believe there's someone else with basically my same tag. Imposter!

    I like the idea though. What about having our universal gamertag banners, instead of just halo?

    you can get the img tags at mygamercard.net

  2. oh haha. I was wondering why your dot was gone! i thought you had gone rogue. I was think of that too. I just wanted to see what the bungie cards looked like. I'll see what else i can find in the same realm.

  3. I went and added the gamer cards to see what they looked like. Gotta figure out how to format this stuff better haha.

  4. I made them a little smaller so they would fit on one line.

  5. thats the ticket! We should add the other russel crowes' up there so we can prove who the original gansta is and who's the poser. haha



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