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Tuesday, January 6, 2009

F*C* New Web sites.

I want everyone to do me a favor and travel over to espn.com. I check this site religiously. Not because its got the best coverage, in fact, i think ESPN writers other then John Clayton, Bill Simmons, and TMQ are usually pretty bad. Too many things are the best ever: best player ever, best game ever, best team ever… They need to calm to heck down over there! Anyway that’s not the point of this post. I would go to ESPN because it was the easiest to use, best designed webpage in the known universe. I could always find the top story, new columns from my favorite writers were mere clicks away. Now they have updated the site to some new monstrosity that is waaaaaayyyyy too complex. It’s obvious they are changing the design to make it easier to sell ad space and this pisses me off. The first time i booted up the new page was this morning and I got this stupid b.s. ad with video from GMC or something welcoming me to the newly designed ESPN.com. AHH. I have no problem with web advertising and i understand places have to make money somehow but my god!

The same thing happened over at IGN. I loved that site and the reason i checked it more often then other sites was strictly due to the page design being extremely easy to navigate. Then they f-ed it up to make selling ad space easier. Ads are becoming more and more obtrusive to my internet experience and its driving me away from some of my favorite sites. I may just be stuck in my ways or something, and you guys may not care about this, but I think changes should be made to improve the experience of the user. Instead these two sites made changes to make avoiding advertising harder at the expense of a good user experience. All I can say is Fuck You ESPN. You broke my heart./rant


  1. I don't get the ads when using Firefox, but I definitely agree that the layout is not as user friendly. You used to be able to hover over a sport and all the sub-categories (scores, standings, etc) would pop up to choose from. The extra page you have to load now is pretty annoying.

  2. I don't know if people ever like changes to a website... like facebook, and two other blogs I read recently changed, and all they get are negative comments. I think its a lose-lose situation, as their readers will always hate the change, even if its good.



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