I read some list of the 10 beers you need to try before you die, and a stout by Dogfish Head brewery was on there and it sounded really good. The brewery is located in Delaware, so you're only going to find it in select stores or bottle shops around here. Anyway, I was at Poulsbo Market today and saw that they had a few of their beers, including the 90 minute IPA, which apparently has been raved about ("Possibly the best IPA in America" -Esquire). I picked up a four pack to give it a try. It was a bit expensive at $10, but seeing as how I considered ordering some of their beers online (with super expensive shipping), it was a small sacrifice. I don't even like IPAs, but I found it had a little more flavor and although it was bitter, it wasn't as bad as a lot of others I've tried. It also packs a punch at 9%abv, but you wouldn't guess it from the taste. Anyway, if you see some beers by Dogfish head in a store or at a bar, you should give them a shot. I really want to try their stout now.
Hmmm....needs more dog.