I mentioned this the other day, on Sunday 4/26, BB is having a pretty big $9.99 sale on a bunch of games. There aren't any huge AAA titles that are must-haves, but once you wade through the shit there are some games that are apparently pretty solid.
Here's the list:
007: Quantum of Solace
Blitz 2
Bourne Conspiracy
Cliver Barker's Jericho
Disney Sing It w/Mic
Enemy Territory: Quake Wars
Ferrari Challenge
Guitar Hero 3
Guitar Hero Aerosmith
Hail to the Chimp
Lost Planet: Extreme Conditions
MLB 08: The Show
NBA Ballers Chosen One
NFL Head Coach
NFL Tour
Overlord: Raising Hell
Rock Band
Rock Revolution
Singstar ABBA
Singstar Vol 2
Soul Calibur 4
TNA Impact
007 Quantum of Solace
Alone in the Dark
Blitz 2
Bourne Conspiracy
C&C 3: Kanes Wrath
C&C: Red Alert 3
Clive Barkers Jericho
Condemned 2
Devil May Cry 4
Enemy Territory Quake Wars
Golden Compass
Infinite Undiscovery
NBA Ballers Chosen One
NFL Head Coach 09
NFL Tour
NHL 2k9
Operation Darkness
Rock Revolution
Silent Hill: Homecoming
Solder of Fortune 3
Soul Calibur 4
Spiderwick Chronicles
TNA Impact
Too Human
Turning Point
Universe at War
Unreal Tournament 3
Warhammer Battle March
WWE 2008
Cheetah Girls: Passport
Disney: Cory in the House
Energy Dance Squad
Engergy Gym rockets
Imagine Ballet Star
Imagine Movie Star
Imagine Rock Star
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon
My Fashion Studio
Naked Bros Band
Ninja Gaiden: DS
Ninja Reflex
Petz Rescue Endangered
Prince of Persia
Quantum of Solace
Rock Revolution
Tales of Desperaux
Tecmo Bowl
Ultimate Band
WWE 2009 Smackdown
Like I said, nothing too amazing, but at $10 there are a couple games I might be interested in. I'm mainly looking at 007 which is supposed to have pretty fun multiplayer, pure (to satisfy the urge I get every once in a while to play a racing game. also I used to enjoy atv offroad fury on ps2), and maybe unreal tournament for some mindless arcade fps fun. Or maybe DMC4. The Bourne game is also supposed to be decent, not amazing, but it looks a little too similar to the Bond game for me to bother with both. Also I would feel dirty owning that many movie-licensed games. I was also considering Soul Caliber 4, but I think I might just wait for SF4 to drop in price eventually. Lost Planet is supposed to be pretty good too. Anyways, I thought I would post this because there seem to be some overlooked games in a variety of genres that may be worth it at only 10 bucks a pop.
Oh and Chinatown Wars is only 19.99. that's a steal.
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Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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Oh man, Dave got Unreal Tournament 3 for one of his birthdays a while ago and it was awful...I stopped playing after about 10-15 minutes. Although I don't remember if we tried multiplayer on it or not.
ReplyDeleteI'm eyeing (how the frick do you spell that word?)Condemned 2 since I played and beat the first one all the way through, and it was kinda fun as a horror survival type game, I don't play many but I liked that one a fair amount.
And if you (guys) are gonna buy 007, I may as well too so lemme know when you get it for sure and I'll pick it up also.
Tim and I tried out Age of Booty yesterday and it was pretty fun - a very simple rts game.
I might go and pick up 2 Human, i kind of liked the demo but figured it wouldn't be worth the full price for cause i might get bored of it... Should be worth 10 bucks though!
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, i really enjoyed Age of Booty, It was simple enough to be able to carry on a conversation while playing and i didn't get frustrated or annoyed by it, but i ended up getting into the game and was really enjoying my self by the end. I'm going to pick it up tonight and mess around some more. try to learn some of the more complex things...
good to know about UT. And I'll be sure to try Age of Booty.